Mbya "The writer who made his name a trademark " "The writer who made his name a trademark" common.
Rodolfo Enrique Fogwill
the last interview the sniper literature Argentina
Posted August 23, 2010 in ARGENTINE WEATHER By Diego Rojas Shortly before he was hospitalized for lung disease that led to the death, the writer spoke, provocative as always, his rejection of the institution of marriage and gay marriage, for intellectuals and national politics. Fogwill decide on a restaurant in Palermo Viejo naturist for conducting this interview. Calls vegetable soup and orange juice and carrot.
"Are you more good, is light? "Asks the reporter. As Perón, can it be said of Fogwill that has become a lion herbivore? ". "No way" says the writer. As barbecue three times a week, is an agreement I have with my children. Then the other days of the week I care a little. While I was at a vegetarian: I started in July and in March weighed ten kilos less. It was a bullet, a light at all. But when he began winter, shivering, there was no way to stop the cold. If you leave the meat, wine and eat fish, you lose weight quickly. "It is not known, or know, what elements of their nutritional regimen is that it helps improve your performance as a sniper.
Fogwill favorite sport is to shoot. Against culture, against custom, against politics, against society. A spirit well inclined to the controversy, as is apparent in his columns, speeches and in the compilation of texts of books debate the war. And one of the most powerful writers in contemporary literature of Argentina (And for many years). You can check visiting her novels and also his Collected Stories, published last year by Alfaguara. Enjoy vegetable soup, like a lion a herbivore, but as soon as the dialogue begins, start shooting. -Society began to debate. Discuss issues such as gay marriage. What are your thoughts on the issue?
Rejection mobilizing both pro and against this issue. Civil marriage is not a right, is a must. Where was a right that is actually required to make a commitment? "You want to marry, really? Do you sing rice pudding when you were a kid? Will gays have better sex once married?
"It's about rights. The right to inheritance, to be able to visit the couple who is terminally ill.
"Look, if you go to a notary and make a beautiful document, you warrant that.
"But no need to resort to that clerk.
- You read the Civil Marriage Act? It is an institution that requires the co-existence. The institution of marriage seems like a shit. Point. And we said to Nestor Perlongher, when they started to use the word gay: a step from here to want to marry white dress and bouquet of flowers and fully integrate the bourgeois institution.
-The reaction is against gay marriage.
"Not really the reaction. I have five kids, I think everyone has had homosexual relationships, it must be an inherited trait, but none is defined as homosexual.
- Even the 14?
"And yes. The straw should be done with Messi. Not really interest me to have a child with sexual definition. Since when have to put sexuality a pattern. I think that apart from the pedophilia, which causes damage to the kids, there is no objectionable sexuality. It is reprehensible that do not want to fuck with old.
"In a Nordic country guarantees the right sex of older people.
- Do you pay social work? Very good.
There are those who advocate libertarian positions, end up expressing conservative views. Is it appropriate?
"I'm not a libertarian. In the bottom half must be fascist. But talk to me. Or liberals think of Argentina. These are superfascistas. Nothing is more fascist than a progressive with power. Do you know what was the University of Buenos Aires in the hands of the Montoneros?
-an interesting time.
"It was a time of segregation. Corruption. There were some anthropologists who accumulated seven jobs in the Faculty of Philosophy. You do not know what they were with the opponents. "Whoever does not jump is a gorilla." In the bar La Paz, only two people were jumping: Germain Garcia and me. Everybody was jumping, but with fear. The totalitarian era Peronist Youth. Not to mention the ERP. In Gaviotas armor, a documentary about the ERP, one of the militants said: "We cagábamos on Human Rights." Frondizi Another advance in power, it introduced six months Coninter plan to stop an oil strike. Supported by Malena, of course.
- Do you think liberals are in power?
"No, of course not. This is a right wing government. A pragmatic government, accumulation of power. Took a lot of measures to get adhesions, but no votes. At the time of voting, the image of the miser who gives Kirchner, to any middle class, inhibits and looking for a simile. And votes a Giustiniani, a Sabbatella, a Pino Solanas.
"However, you stated that, given the state of the opposition, Kirchner would win in 2011.
"In this state of affairs, Kirchner will win. If South project is successful, Kirchner will not win in the first round, but in the second. Project South is going to take votes from Alfonsin or Carrió and all that shit, and those votes are going to miss him Kirchner to win the first round. But in the second, set against a wall, what will you vote? Alfonsin versus "Kirchner? "Cobos, versus Kirchner? Binner "versus Kirchner? I prefer the real thing. In 2005 I was a right-wing government, because it had a program. But still have a management right. Think of the labor law. If you are a Peronist, should recover the Peronist laws 1975. English Saturday, Sunday off and the Labor Contract Law.
K-Among the deputies are Recalde, a renowned labor lawyer.
- "Is Recalde. What argument is that? It's like I say, 'It is Hebe de Bonafini, whose children disappeared. " Assumed in 2003, seven years ago. And still could not make a land policy.
- What do you think the Media Law?
"In the spirit, it seems barbaric. But when I read it, I was surprised at how poorly written it was and how inefficient it was. It is a machine to create more and more jobs for technocrats.
"It also opens new media in the provinces.
"These new media are not going to sell.
"That the State should intervene to ensure the spirit of the law he proposed.
"Whoever thought the Media Act intended it as a social control mechanism and not as a mechanism for progress. We are in a system in which ninety percent of the decisions taken in reference to television. So I do not know why quilombo gun around both the print media. But they have a role in the rise of political malice, not of political education. More policy is the "Gordo" Lanata La Nacion and Clarin together. People are mobilized by Lanata, not the publishers of these newspapers. Political thought is a manifestation of gaseous matter. Do not you know that there's people left and the right people? Nothing more progressive than a right-amortized. You warrant that you will not have problems and automatically becomes progressive.
-Clarin ...
"That's a court case, there is a case for dealing with the Media Law. Here was a crime. The government must act. Make a decision and act.
-laws also exist.
ever-Kirchner worried about the legality or the moral cleanliness. Something that does not censorship. Stalin also has a cloak of immorality, but I do not think a guy who was reactionary. I do not subscribe to democratic pact.
- What positive things has the Kirchner government? Well
. There is general agreement that the court was a good measure and there is another consensus that the Human Rights was right, and I do not think so. The Memorial Museum is to fart because it has no public or will ever have it. Is sandwiched between two avenues of way and none of the locals are interested. You can only fill forcing schools to take the kids. And all the public positions that were created around that ...
"There functioned the Navy Mechanics School ...
-An institution that nationality and was built a hundred years mechanical.
"And he built a secret detention camp.
"It was the ESMA, was the military civic government Martinez de Hoz. People keep saying that the dirty war is the responsibility of the armed forces only.
"You're judging Martinez de Hoz.
"I think very well. And the trial of all: there are many more civilian accomplices. I wonder why they were arrested Martinez de Hoz in 2004. Because they did not need these votes. Now the need and do it. Just as the pressure to hasten the trial of the kidnapper of the Noble Old.
If so, you could not deny that they are interesting measures, beyond the causes.
"But are minimal in relation to the supply of oil and making the country's economic paralysis.
- Kirchner does not promote certain national bourgeoisie?
"Not at all. While Kirchner's pro-capitalist. He is a capitalist. Is an exploiter of workers and a usurer. The concentration capitalism in Argentina continues at an impressive rate. A national bourgeoisie Menem dunked but gave at least some exhaust alternatives overall. Here there are only alternatives sector. The first foreign act was Cristina Kirchner was going to visit Volkswagen in Germany. This shows why there is a rebound in auto activity because it is a business integration and economic subordination to Brazil. This country is not going to be a province of Brazil, but a municipality in the state of Sao Paulo.
increased production, increased employment.
"That's all thank them for Duhalde and Remes Lenicov: are the effects devaluation. But okay, let's see. Is the complaint about corruption. People are horrified: I do not. Corruption is not as bad as it does not represent or two percent of national income. Any income cut power to affect 10 or 15% from land reform or worker participation in the profits arising Recalde. But beware, not made in good faith, but because it is the gang association. When you do that, going back a fat bureaucracy of the CGT. So you will not have workers' control, but control of Moya.
"Then what will you do in 2011?
I do not know, because lately I'm not voting: I forget or do not want. But if I were a normal citizen and had to do a procedure and ask me your ID, where the dark room, watching the horror movie that would be single or Narváez or those others who act in the horror film, would vote for Cristina.
"But Nestor is a candidate.
"No, give more positive feedback, but adds many negatives: does not arrive. It will re-elect Cristina. From here to year will see the escape of media figures and entrepreneurs for Kirchner. And let's see how they play that manages this system: Lula, Obama, who will not support either candidate of the opposition, but they are going to attach conditions to Kirchner.
- Greening the political intervention of intellectuals?
"That does not exist. Go to the schools where you think: do not see anyone interesting that this topic interests you. None Mortgage minutes of his life in support or opposition to Kirchner. For politics is an intellectual minefield sucks. If you do you get into a political project, paralyzes you, you get the energy, time steals. (Beatriz) Sarlo he has become involved in pay and a journalist, essayist, then it must retain the system of three columns a week and the end always says the same.
"You also publishes their own columns.
"It's different because I'm versatile. I have a tall column, I afford to eat and nothing else.
- Is not part of the role of intellectual intervention in public affairs?
"Intellectuals are hands off. If you killed all the intellectuals of Open Letter, there would be no loss to Argentina. Only lose a great administrator the National Library.
- Do not you think it is important Horacio González as an intellectual?
"Yes, but it did its work, but I was told that his latest book is very good. The Peron was good. Anyway, not a type that contributes to the awareness of Argentina. But Gonzalez is responsible for the triumph of Cafiero, without him it would not have happened. And look how funny, there came Menem.
- Sarlo do you think?
"I have serious disagreements with her, but overvalued. On the other hand, made Point of View. Point. Horacio Gonzalez still did Viewpoint. United did and out came the Chacho Álvarez. Vista Point is, intellectually, a much larger value. Without sharing any of its positions. They were the Social-Democratic Alfonsin. But the intellectual is not the role he had in some time. The world turned to Weber. They serve intellectuals. What Carl Schmitt contributed to Nazism? Much Werner Von Braun brought the B-52.
-Schmitt contributed tools are still used. With this reasoning, we should ask what brought Marx.
-are different times. He left to offer the working class as the one who was going to give meaning to their struggles. They are different conditions.
"You had an anarchist and Trotskyist formation.
-Ojo, was in two Trotskyist organizations, but I was never a Trotskyist. Whenever I fell very bad figure of Trotsky. I always preferred the figure of Stalin.
-Raymond Molinier, a close comrade of Trotsky, his father.
"He enlightened me, because he lived many years with Trotsky. Trotsky did not allow profanity. It was against the thought of Jakobson, when Jacobson was 18. Formalists accused of bohemian bars. I seduced the figure of Trotsky, a man who was leading the Red Army in his private car with a French chef.
"In one of his columns became a chronicle of the mobilization by the Media Law. Did you start at that time a social mood changes?
"Yes, a radical change. This mobilization had a high percentage of true, but they were not called by 6, 7, 8 but those sickened by the opposition. The middle class must have an antenna up to the polls. He sees a climate of opinion, a change, and as it has no way to oppose, because the opposition is a disaster will demonstrate publicly.
- How would you describe today in the field of thought?
"So show me a better theory of historical materialism that I will continue to be Marxist. The other I seem to make water. Or are tax-watering philosophies. But to have a credible speech you have to use the categories of opinion public. I try to use as little as possible, but I understand.
source: Diario Tiempo Argentino - © Copyright 2010. All rights reserved.
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