peoples Border Guarani Argentina, Brazil and Paraguay
On Thursday August 5 at the heads of the legislative palace hall of the National Congress introduced the book and map GUARANI RETA recognizes that the real territory of the great country map and his book The recent data are published in Asunción Melia Barolomeu by researcher and his team, is also produced by state universities and NGOs from various countries.

On the one hand the ecological disaster of rivers and forests to deforestation and dams, and secondly the demographic situation of the Guarani communities in all three countries, to the scourge of the agricultural frontier with seed pools (soya, sugar cane , etc.) The flight of the population to this preview of what bound shows that the current migratory population flows are constantly changing with new demand for survival. (An example is the migration of Paraguayan villages devastated by fleeing north toward the soy plaggic Misiones)
Kiki Ramirez weapon related how the network of circles of different colors to highlight or Ava Guarani villages Mbya Mission, marked by their different religious but under a single ethnic pattern. Basque
Baigorri said the map from your experience traveled routes on the basis of accompanying done. He stressed that among the Brazilian and Paraguayan border, is where the advance of soya (pink on map), make the soil infertile leaves exahutivo monoculture. Desertification never seen in the Matto Grosso to the NASA map, and it corners Guarani peoples who take refuge in small green islands where they survive.
William Wilde-author of excellent book "Religion and Power in the Guarani Missions" - referred to the current ethnic terms, emphasizing what is recorded on this map and the history of colonization of these airlines, where the agricultural economy and livestock breaks endangered Paranaense forest remaining in his heart more human: the Guarani as real people (here recorded population growth). The identity of another, different, it becomes an issue ignored by our economy. Baigorri said the map from your experience traveled routes on the basis of accompanying done. He stressed that among the Brazilian and Paraguayan border, is where the advance of soya (pink on map), make the soil infertile leaves exahutivo monoculture. Desertification never seen in the Matto Grosso to the NASA map, and it corners Guarani peoples who take refuge in small green islands where they survive.
The story more disturbing was that of Antonio Benitez when seeking remedies from the forest plants and cut. It is the memory of forced migration in search of a reptile whose leather was necessary healing to cure her son are walking miles to find the endangered species, until he found the snake. Antonio believes his fate to live according to their culture will be the biosphere reserve areas, not cities Juruá (white).
Territories "? It's about understanding the worldview of the Guarani-
the way of being
on the area of \u200b\u200ba nature that is spoken. The Earth is a eciproca Territories "? It's about understanding the worldview of the Guarani-
the way of being
communion with Pora ñe'é -the divine words, "where a tree may be an echo of God. It is this culture of nature allowing Guarani migrations into a living space for its ancient symbols: ejmplo there for a opy
-house of prayer, must be built on mud and takuara to maintain an effective "natural."
longer have a range of communication imaginary access to the symbolic dimension. It is now the word that designates the limits of a dynamic area. In this way a village can have many acres of mountain-temple is nameable in the Guarani as their own worldview that tekoha: what belongs to the politico-religious world of its inhabitants. Thus the "being" mbya, is superior to any Western concept and utility of "having" a land plot on maps. For this conception is the language that defines the border and no nation-states: the Guarani creates his own world outside the land belonged to, which in itself is already inhabited for millennia by this "being of words "based on a religion we do not know their past achievements! (Even that we have anthropological research based on pragmatism) note of urgency: The journey of the people mbya, in search of a foreign land to the "wrong" (not to be confused with the MARA IWY final mythic EY as a reason), make a war of beliefs on one side and the other when geopolitics prevails white look and fever "green gold" of capitalism agricultural export. This leads us to recall the complaint to Ministry of Ecology of the province earlier this year with the problem of deforestation in reserve areas. Artemio recall the chief in the Biosphere Reserve Yaboti
-course World Heritage, "when a" convicted tree (see photo) near his temple, was marked by marederas companies and their chainsaws. The worldwide protest by the web enabled the mobilization of thousands of letters that stopped for now the desecration of a sacred site.
welcome then this map GUARANI REKO territorial recognition of our representations, but it would be better spent if used for a repair of the forgotten country in many provinces from recognizing, repair and return ... native territories.
The debate continued on the responsibility of the state, good or bad use of tourism, the economy of the "sustainable" (?) Opposed to the ecosystem, to approach the final debate on the genocide forgotten undercover .- Enrique Acuña
-report for
The Traveling Chicharra, August 2010 .
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