Sunday, August 29, 2010
Poems For A Wishing Tree
gives us a new hearing rare but very satisfying. Alice Ader is a pianist hardly known outside of France, where itself is an accomplished artist. Notable for the restraint of his touch and sharpness of your typing, both classic features of the French school. Interpreter dour and sober but not mechanical, as seems to be the norm in their compatriots in recent years, her balance and rigor in the choice of tempi not result in linear phrasing. Subtle and exquisite are the adjectives that come to mind listening to this wonderful album dedicated to works by Cesar Franck . The chosen pieces for solo piano can admire its bright distinction of the different voices through intensities and colors of his palette of sounds (Variation Op 18, which is actually a transcript the author of a piece for organ). The drama lies in the recitation of the Prelude to the second score and the famous Coral comes from mysterious chords. Night whispers music, mystic and sensual, alternately grand and intimate without losing its deep coherence. It also pointed to the virtues, it is tempting to use the adjective idiomatic to praise the work of Auder. Along with these revisions Bach Prelude from the perspective of late Romanticism, a major work of Camera genre for piano and strings. The masterful Quintet exceptionally stormy for its author, together with pianist with Ensemble Auder . Again, balance between voices (something that can not be assumed in this type of scores) and intensity always controlled.
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
Slc Punk Similar Movies
"The writer who made his name a trademark" common.

Posted August 23, 2010 in ARGENTINE WEATHER By Diego Rojas Shortly before he was hospitalized for lung disease that led to the death, the writer spoke, provocative as always, his rejection of the institution of marriage and gay marriage, for intellectuals and national politics. Fogwill decide on a restaurant in Palermo Viejo naturist for conducting this interview. Calls vegetable soup and orange juice and carrot.
"Are you more good, is light? "Asks the reporter. As Perón, can it be said of Fogwill that has become a lion herbivore? ". "No way" says the writer. As barbecue three times a week, is an agreement I have with my children. Then the other days of the week I care a little. While I was at a vegetarian: I started in July and in March weighed ten kilos less. It was a bullet, a light at all. But when he began winter, shivering, there was no way to stop the cold. If you leave the meat, wine and eat fish, you lose weight quickly. "It is not known, or know, what elements of their nutritional regimen is that it helps improve your performance as a sniper.
Fogwill favorite sport is to shoot. Against culture, against custom, against politics, against society. A spirit well inclined to the controversy, as is apparent in his columns, speeches and in the compilation of texts of books debate the war. And one of the most powerful writers in contemporary literature of Argentina (And for many years). You can check visiting her novels and also his Collected Stories, published last year by Alfaguara. Enjoy vegetable soup, like a lion a herbivore, but as soon as the dialogue begins, start shooting. -Society began to debate. Discuss issues such as gay marriage. What are your thoughts on the issue?
Rejection mobilizing both pro and against this issue. Civil marriage is not a right, is a must. Where was a right that is actually required to make a commitment? "You want to marry, really? Do you sing rice pudding when you were a kid? Will gays have better sex once married?
"Look, if you go to a notary and make a beautiful document, you warrant that.
"No, of course not. This is a right wing government. A pragmatic government, accumulation of power. Took a lot of measures to get adhesions, but no votes. At the time of voting, the image of the miser who gives Kirchner, to any middle class, inhibits and looking for a simile. And votes a Giustiniani, a Sabbatella, a Pino Solanas.
"However, you stated that, given the state of the opposition, Kirchner would win in 2011.
- "Is Recalde. What argument is that? It's like I say, 'It is Hebe de Bonafini, whose children disappeared. " Assumed in 2003, seven years ago. And still could not make a land policy.
- What do you think the Media Law?
"It also opens new media in the provinces.
"That the State should intervene to ensure the spirit of the law he proposed.
-Clarin ...
-laws also exist.
- What positive things has the Kirchner government? Well
"There functioned the Navy Mechanics School ...
"And he built a secret detention camp.
"You're judging Martinez de Hoz.
If so, you could not deny that they are interesting measures, beyond the causes.
- Kirchner does not promote certain national bourgeoisie?
increased production, increased employment.
"Then what will you do in 2011?
"But Nestor is a candidate.
- Greening the political intervention of intellectuals?
"You also publishes their own columns.
- Is not part of the role of intellectual intervention in public affairs?
- Do not you think it is important Horacio González as an intellectual?
- Sarlo do you think?
-Schmitt contributed tools are still used. With this reasoning, we should ask what brought Marx.
"You had an anarchist and Trotskyist formation.
-Raymond Molinier, a close comrade of Trotsky, his father.
"In one of his columns became a chronicle of the mobilization by the Media Law. Did you start at that time a social mood changes?
- How would you describe today in the field of thought?
source: Diario Tiempo Argentino - © Copyright 2010. All rights reserved.
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A troubled waters GAIN "FIELD" International Forest

's complaint and environmental foundations of the mayor of Monte Caseros, E. Galantini, take the dispute to the International surrender, which affects the river Uruguay by Botnia a fertile background to stop the disasters of the "Argentine health field."
8Pin Solanas, Filmus, etc.) Offered to the confrontation at the provincial fief, the Simbilá dikes of the Forest Act that does not termianr ctes arriving, read fine print and do not serve the interests coimeros: Declare the urgency of public opinion perhaps. THIRST
rages ...
ArgeninaGalantini manages the city located at the mouth of the river Miriñay
The mayor of Monte Caseros denounce the case to the CARU Posted on August 17, 2010 For Catriel Etcheverry
The village head forward to engage in the fight to its neighbors in the Uruguayan city Bella Union. It will also boost demand in the Ministry of Environment.The rice project driving the vice president of Grupo Clarin, Jose Aranda, and George Soros "has very serious and direct consequences for Monte Caseros," he said yesterday Argentine Eduardo Galantini time, the mayor of that city, located just the place where Miriñay River flows into the Rio Uruguay.
Among the recitals Galantini further emphasizes the negative environmental impact, "Would be the first time a private enterprise, seeking the benefit of individuals, appropriating a public good of this dimension." Galantini also advanced to next week will meet with the authorities of Bella Union, the city at the same height as Monte Caseros but on the east bank of the River Uruguay. The mayor said correntino going to engage in the fight against the dam, which could become the Botnia Argentina. In this regard, said: "we should see what happens, if there is a conflict like the upside of Bothnia but no shortage of reasons, we are giving them tools to sue us." The mayor said
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
Tech Deck Dudes Names
The Chemical Research in Toxicology confirmed the warning of Andres Carrasco, Argentine investigating the substance that holds the soybean crop. The scientist certified the similarity of malformations in embryos anfibioscon other humans exposed to glyphosate during pregnancy.

herbicides glyphosate teratogenic effects in vertebrates and affect retinoic acid signaling
"extremely low concentrations of glyphosate, compared to those used in agriculture, can produce adverse effects on embryo morphology (amphibian), interfering with normal mechanisms of embryonic development" , warned in April 2009 the head of the Laboratory of Molecular Embryology the UBA and principal investigator of CONICET, Andres Carrasco. was the first time a laboratory study of Argentina confirmed the detrimental effect of the agrochemical pillar of the agribusiness model. After the announcement, Carrasco was the target of a smear campaign by the companies, media and officials. Although the scientist said that it was a breakthrough research, the main challenge was the lack of publication in a scientific journal, which, according to supporters of agribusiness and much of the academic world would be what gives validity to scientific knowledge. A year and half after that warning, last Monday, the U.S. magazine Chemical Research in Toxicology (Chemical Research in Toxicology) Carrasco published research, which confirms that glyphosate produces multiple malformations and with scientific analysis as a test, warns: "The Laboratory proven results are consistent with defects observed in humans exposed to glyphosate during pregnancy. "
ResumenFull TextoHi-Res HTML PDF [1787 KB] PDF w / Links [257 KB] Alejandra Paganelli, Gnazzo Victoria, Elena Acosta, Silvia L L. López and E. Andress Carrasco * Embriologuna Laboratory Molecular CONICET-UBA, School of Medicine, University of Buenos Aires, Paraguay 2155, 3rd floor (1 121) Autonomous City of Buenos Aires, Argentina
Publication Date (Web): August 9, 2010 Copyright © 2010 American Society Chemistry
* Author for correspondence. Phone: +5411 5950 9500 ext. 2216. Fax: +5411 5950 9626. E-mail: Summary
The broad spectrum herbicide glyphosate is widely used in world agriculture. There has been ongoing controversy over the possible adverse effects of glyphosate on the environment and human health. Reports of the defects of the nerves and craniofacial malformations in the regions where the herbicide glyphosate (GBH) are used led us to undertake an embryological to explore the effects of low doses of glyphosate in development. Xenopus laevis embryos were incubated with 1 / 5000 dilution of a commercial for GBH.
treated embryos were highly abnormal with marked alterations in neural crest development and limited cephalad anterior-posterior (AP) axis. Alterations in the neural crest markers were later correlated with cranial deformities in the cartilage in tadpole stages.
embryos injected with pure glyphosate showed very similar phenotypes. In addition, GBH produced similar effects in chicken embryos, showing a gradual loss of rhombomere domains, reducing the optic vesicles, and microcephaly. This suggests that glyphosate was responsible for the observed phenotypes, instead of a surfactant or other component of the commercial formulation.
A reporter gene assay revealed that the GBH treatment increased endogenous retinoic acid (RA) activity in Xenopus embryos and co-treatment with AR antagonist rescued the teratogenic effects of GBH. Therefore, we conclude that the phenotypes produced by GBH are mainly a result of increased endogenous retinoid activity.
This is consistent with reduced sonic hedgehog (Shh) signaling from the dorsal midline of embryos, inhibition of OTX2 expression and with altered cephalic neural crest development. The direct effect of glyphosate on the initial mechanisms of morphogenesis in vertebrate embryos opens the concerns about the clinical results of human offspring in populations exposed to GBH in the fields.
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peoples Border Guarani Argentina, Brazil and Paraguay
On Thursday August 5 at the heads of the legislative palace hall of the National Congress introduced the book and map GUARANI RETA recognizes that the real territory of the great country

On the one hand the ecological disaster of rivers and forests to deforestation and dams, and secondly the demographic situation of the Guarani communities in all three countries, to the scourge of the agricultural frontier with seed pools (soya, sugar cane , etc.) The flight of the population to this preview of what bound shows that the current migratory population flows are constantly changing with new demand for survival. (An example is the migration of Paraguayan villages devastated by fleeing north toward the soy plaggic Misiones)
Baigorri said the map from your experience traveled routes on the basis of accompanying done. He stressed that among the Brazilian and Paraguayan border, is where the advance of soya (pink on map), make the soil infertile leaves exahutivo monoculture. Desertification never seen in the Matto Grosso to the NASA map, and it corners Guarani peoples who take refuge in small green islands where they survive.
Territories "? It's about understanding the worldview of the Guarani-
the way of being
-the divine words, "where a tree may be an echo of God. It is this culture of nature allowing Guarani migrations into a living space for its ancient symbols: ejmplo there for a opy
-house of prayer, must be built on mud and takuara to maintain an effective "natural."
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
Pokemon Soul Silver English Mediafire
Movies Shave Genetial Area
← Previous (15-07-2010)
This friend, of course, deny its fascist by saying it is an anarchist and his rabid opposition to universal marriage reluctance is based on a total and definitive solution to any form of nationalization of human relationships. This radical form of thought (which in times of excess alcohol could either sign) is the political philosophy that anarcho-capitalism is recognized as one of the masks that fascism has, with his contempt for legality, institutions, bureaucracies and parliamentary everything that has nothing to do with decisiveness.
In his opinion, should be a total ban on marriage, not broaden its scope. Do not argue with him (who can or want to discuss with a fascist?), But I know it is wrong on several points, but especially in one: the level of analysis.
Anyone can put to work the hypothesis of Engels in The Origin of the Family, Private Property and the State and declare that there is the evil Claude Levi-Strauss was caught up in the same methodological illusion and a text memorable, "Writing Lesson", included in Tristes Tropiques, said to write back to people slaves to the law and subjected to a ritual of power. The history of writing, in his view coincides with the history of domination.
With universal marriage same thing happens: we can point out the miseries of the "institution of marriage", but only from its universality, ie the transformation of a privilege in law. And we laugh about the crazy epic petty matchmaking cakes (such as mandatory voting), but the former is the cause of universal (and later, his criticism).
All this as an introduction to critical commentary on the Senate debate about the universal law of marriage, which lasted a thousand hours and, like any academic conference, expounded on stupidities and very few memorable moments of clarity and brilliance.
Moreover, as was being discussed was the legal regulation of a way of life (because life forms, correlative speech acts are themselves legal institutions), senators and senators were given a quick overview of history of sexuality, etymologies, kinship systems, the Greek institution pedophilia, the shamans and their dynastic relationship with men-women, the determination of the economy on culture, psychology and identification processes, the relationship between body and gender, in order: a social science congress, more precisely, life-forms, ie on the civil war that defined and is (I suppose that many academics, scholars and students these days have been writing speeches Senate, because we know how our politicians are gross to be able to assume that suddenly appear quoting Gide, Picture of Dorian Gray, Virginia Woolf, Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz, Juana de Arco (which of Belize became psychotic killer cake in a hasty operation of cultural interpretation) or Habermas, and providing delicious differences between pater and genitor.
positions were, indeed, two (I leave aside the abstentions, they were few and cowardly): in favor of universal marriage and against. The debate, as the Byzantine era (because marriage between same sex and there, because homo families already exist, because the world is the world), rhetoric abounded in delights.
The arguments of those who were against were of stupidity and ignorance that does not deserve comment. Suffice it to say how hatred seeped into the hypocritical positions that started from the recognition of the acceptance of homosexuality as a reality ("I have gay friends" or even, as always encouraged to tell the perfect Hilda Duhalde, "gay family" ) and the unbearable refrain: "I do not discriminate," as if the discrimination was a verb that could be declined in person. No, right ladies and gentlemen, "discriminate" (as "murder") is a defective verb is conjugated and only a second or third person, you discriminate, they discriminate. And that is capable of delivering a similar trial is never one, but the object of discrimination. "I do not discriminate, but you are different," they said.
The informant sinister Madame Negre de Alonso did not stop to clarify that she did not discriminate, even when shocked at the mere assumption of having to teach kids now that men and women as well (as is born " ), sexuality is constructed and there are homosexuals, bisexuals and trans. And he defended conscientious objectors (Norma Morandini had to answer.) Black woman, you dye your hair and it is likely that hydrogen peroxide had destroyed his brain matter: nothing to see a universal marriage law that was discussed with education on certain varieties of the living, what you think about normal and deviant do not care or the Carmelites that Bergoglio letter, and none of us interested in this or that like it or not the judicial gatekeeper married. For that there are many employees in the state.
Many of the objectors of the project partially approved by Parliament (after insisting on their respect for the rights of sexual minorities) were pounding with the basics "natural" family (as if one would care about how where cockroaches, ants or ticks live to determine their way of life). The Senators were a most unfortunate provincial (provincial and hatred I'm the locals, so I can pronounce without a guilty conscience like a trial), medium tabletting and fearful of God's view.
The strongest representatives of the right was Luis Naidenoff, the UCR. Shysters arguments wielded with great credit that, if you were an idiot, would have agreed without hesitation. And the most cunning, the aforementioned Chiche, who said the only argument that could have slowed the parliamentary initiative: the issue is not a priority in a country where poverty, hunger and retirees are not paid for 82% mobile.
As right as well as vile, is clumsy, he ignored ignore this argument and threw wildly to discuss the natural, cultural, children, morality, ethics, relationships between life forms and acts (legal) discourse, in order: the issues most current philosophy and more Italian, but without further support arguments. Now, screw them.
repeated arguments
Many church: gay couples have more than five hundred. It is as if to say: "But how? "Besides taking a lot, want to marry?". And yes, gentlemen, we disagree with the heterosexism of boredom, and return to familiar school exhaustion. You also picking up bad and little, are bad parents. Did you see what a paradox?Neuquén
A doctor, who opposed universal marriage, said or implied that we have come a long way, and as no one stoned to homosexuals (in order, say), should be content with that.unlikely
A woman was alarmed because, according to the bill, people could request maternity leave. And secondly, in a long time obviously did not see the face of God, raised his finger wagging warning us that Argentina will supply children in countries where same-sex couples recognized by law. And another voice, whistle, reported that the privileges were violated because two senators were put on Air Force One, "as previously imprisoned dissidents." He added, lost in clouds of Ubeda, "I have long proposed abortion" (she looked like one).Among those who favored the law emphasized the unbearable Daniel Filmus, the Cordovan Judge (cool, precise and delicious combination of humorist, sage and cynic philosopher path), the Chaco Fixed, quiet and brilliant same time, Blanca Osuna, Samuel Cabanchik, Oscar Castillo (who made a delightful love story of irony and punctuated with references to the chow why Julius Caesar was so beloved among his troops, and the legendary friendship of Achilles and Patroclus). Giustiniani, Civic Front, quoted Jürgen Habermas. Pichetto, as always, like a plow gross, disgusting and disturbing.
But beyond the patchwork of social sciences, there was much classicism, Greek and Roman a lot of things, and much humanism. It was like a renaissance on TV (the record: TN speeches broadcast almost continuously and savagely cut the speeches reactionary Channel 7 did not put very little into the air).
María Eugenia Estenssoro, the Civic Coalition, fine as always, said that women can identify "with this (discrimination) that come to deal with." He confessed that he likes to say "I'm married, divorced, single mother and mistress", and it shows the evolution of the family. On the civil union alternative project said it was "super-poor, unfortunate, outrageous," and proved it amply. He spoke of kinship systems and noted that homosexuals want "healthy relationships, humane, dignified." He is right. You can rest assured the right: of these unions that the Senate has secured tightly not leave a child or a girl fucking cake or by chance. Hopefully the Church and Television, who have done about the proliferation of bliss, keep providing.
/ /
Sunday, August 8, 2010
Usb Fan How Much Electricity
We will perform a playful look at through a group of singers who, having enjoyed the reputation for keeping your career or even now can only crumble when subjected to a serious review.
Greetings to all readers. Open bar
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
Doctor Checking Woman
begin with a Bruckner worthy of great enthusiasm that I just blow, which is recording the young German director Marcus Bosch with Symphony Orchestra Aachen (currently, 3 rd, 4 th, 5 th, 7 th, 8 th and 9 th). Remember that training was conducted in Germanic times by Herbert von Karajan . In these records, optimally captured, shows sound binding, in a somber tone as a whole (the bass tones are strong and broad, as befits Bruckner), but special flair metals, magnificent. One can only lament a lack of presence of the violins in tutti . The biggest surprise, however, comes with Bosch, who shows an affinity for these symphonies cream. I am told that the Eighth is outstanding, the undersigned have heard the Seventh and there are only praise. First of all, to highlight the performance of the metals: a majestic section but always sings , which is the best of praise, since it assumes that there is continuity and fluency in speaking, singing line grows and decreases with narrative and dramatic sense and emphasize significant phrases. The beginning of the coda of the first time is beyond belief and the fundamental climax Adagio shows highly attuned to the voices overlap accumulating tension to the exact point when triggered. Again he stresses that would have been desirable with more biting violins during the tutti : hear this from minute 15:00 in front of the Allegro moderato or counterpoint of the great passages of Scherzo and Adagio. In general, however, all string sections with lyrical phrasing on (beginning of the first movement). Bosch is not analytical as director of the new use postmodern: it is not interested in dissecting the sound levels (for example, more conflict polyphonic passages of the Scherzo nitidísimos are not) and yes, and much to offer with the utmost important thing dramatic force. His times in this itself is a bruckneriano " modern", are relatively bright, which favors the respiration song.
It Coviello seal recordings (available on iTunes, but it is known not distributed in Spain)
The best way to check is listening: Orchestra Aachen