certainly mark the day among the 365 that has one year, not much, just to fulfill the mandate of the calendar. But if the issue date is 12 October, the case takes on another hue. Until recently, when studying at school, we celebrated Columbus Day that was to hold the "providential arrival of Columbus to" discover "this land away from the hand of God that confused with" The Indies. " Until recently, it was a powerful cult of forgetfulness, it actually imposed on the entire society, a pedagogy of oblivion and falsehood. Seeking oblivion just to erase guilt, seeks to look the other hand, seeks the impossible innocence, wishes to continue business as usual. But as Borges said, "there is only one thing and forgetting." And we add, there is no oblivion because there are traces, evidence, witnesses, facts and documents reported clearly what happened. And all this concatenated, and all is relative. Just the defenders of Columbus Day, the same ones who advocate genocide and slavery perpetrated by the anti-worker Julio Argentino Roca, are the same as during the process Videla chanted absurd litany that "there must be a" repeating as if it were a philosophical axiom able to explain the impossible to explain or justify, as was the disappearance of tens of thousands of citizens and even the kidnapping of 500 infants, of which, fortunately, nearly a hundred have been recovered. At a time now, from different educational, cultural centers, deliberative councils, departments of local cultures, unions and the Congress and the Nation, begins to question the celebration of Columbus Day. " There is growing consensus that does not accept joyfully celebrate the invasion. For example, in multiple acts, is commemorated on October 11 as "last day of American liberty" and it's good that this is done. Necessary. However, in our case, we prefer to celebrate FIRST rather than the latter. We prefer to celebrate October 12 as the FIRST DAY RESISTANCE to this outrage, to the criminal occupation that was the Conquest, which is so very far from having been a sweetened "meeting of cultures."
Of course, some of this effect "sweetener" is seen in the transfer of the October 12 holiday the first Monday, to "take the long weekend" . In no way can understand or justify such a transfer to a date to remember the greatest genocide the history of mankind. Can you imagine the japonenses moving commemoration of the atomic bombs burst of U.S. imperialism on Hiroshima and Nagasaki to take a long weekend? Is inconceivable! Acts like these days are going on around the country, serve, not to end, but to hurt the pedagogy of amnesia and forgetfulness what was the greatest genocide in world history. These acts are multiplied indicate a change, something is changing, there is a desire to end country and a historiography that celebrates hovers genocide and mass murderers. The Hernan Cortes, the Francisco Pizarro, Julio Argentino Roca, the Jorge Videla should be behind a good time. Must be left behind those racist who can not accept the humanity of indigenous, those who need to maintain their native peoples rather than serfs, biofuel, without reasoning or barbarian culture, servants, in short: of slaves in the shadow of the master. Just to end this racism, to end such discrimination, we are pleased that contrafestejos multiplication, and the struggles that follow from them as they are starring in many parts of the country to replace the unhealthy behalf of Conquest of the Desert Rock and genocide.
Marcelo Valko Holder of the Chair Prof. Imaginary Ethnicity, Memory and Resistance " University Popular Madres de Plaza de Mayo |
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