"Making the hole right where a ghost sleep
and wake at the same time "
-Interview with Enrique Acuña-(*)
http://www.posdatas.com magazine postscripts .ar/posdatas1.pdf
What is art for you?
is a pretty broad question that allows
dwell. I stand by the effects of art that
Psychoanalysis teaches me. A universal work, for example
the Mona Lisa's smile is as enigmatic as
enough to generate effects
unique in a stunned audience.
That depends on aesthetic judgments (Kant) and pleasure
obtained thanks to the fantasy (Freud). Each
observers read the box with its own vocabulary, ie
a decoding machine that allows
explain the feature to see it stopped. But that slightly deviated
lip simulating a pleasure, also can generate
could say that there is an art and a
full vacuum. The "full" is the surprise that leaves us astounded,
-media image, is the admiration
wonder, numbs us. Then there's the art
the "empty" words "enigmas" that allows
to raise concern.
That would be the art: the action of making the hole where a ghost
just fall asleep and wake up at the same time
In both cases the image of the painting or the literary letter, a blind
anything, open a
interstitial space is intentional. That detail called an interpretation. The effect
anamorphosis (
where perspectives des-hidden object), the picture is a trap to catch glances
-Lacan poses for
underscore that "full-empty"
convenes public exposure. There is a look of someone on an object that shines
This subject divided by the wonder,
exchanged their affections. Then there is a market economic
is responsible for giving value to change that picture
like and so hard, distributed, consumed
, etc. ( Art by Francois Lacan
of Regnault)
we could specify what are the convergences and divergences between psychoanalysis and art
psychoanalysis, from Freud, uses art as
detail to show that the unconscious
works on a vacuum. In that sense
a dream that the dreamer to tell the truth, something that was secret and
impossible to say, may be the best work of art
a neurotic.
would have to distinguish "art" of "the artist." The
artist is ahead of us (the analyst) because
works first-hand what your unconscious
emerge without going through the couch. Maybe that's why some artists fear
psychoanalysis, believe that if they would stop fantasizing
say things that cause your
art, or lose a supposed originality.
This is convergence: the artist's teaches us something
formations of the unconscious.
you operate with dreams, jokes, and symptoms as their creation
shown in an imaginary object which
symbolic link with others.
The difference is that the artist believes
be cured only with its art, then it calls another
interpretation other than that already made her unconscious. Example
James Joyce that achieved with writing a comic
cynical position with the language, he dominates his neologisms
the point of offering his Ulysses to the University
study it for a century.
Artists are overwhelmed by what they do;
and analysts for his act. Art is ex_nihilo arises
anything, but it's something. That creates sometimes a
invention, such as avant-garde.
you are the Director of the documentary "The Fog
-Tatachiná-" there is recounted the cultural conflict between communities
missions and values \u200b\u200bof our civilization. What was it that led him to realize
?, What did he prove?
If Tatachiná is a multiyear research
riding between psychoanalysis and anthropology. Study
the forgotten language of the original. As
all documentary evidence collected
true protagonists. That works as a trigger: in
each projection is a table-like
debate was a "ethics committee", a guardian of the common
opinion when we are at the time that the big Other
longer works.
Here is a basic language that
Guarani kept as secret
healing in the case of the child, Julian.
The priest plays the god with the haze of smoke from his pipe
that transports SEN Pora: the beautiful
ancestral dialect words that "
white Christians could never understand because
not believe in our God. "
meets the character of the priest-physician that heals and pray "with some effectiveness
symbolic. There is this power but at the time
is impossible to translate.
is a poetic tale of myth and ritual in their disparity
lead to a war of beliefs.
I think cinema can sometimes transporting the void of art. In this case demonstrate
translation of what Levi-Strauss called "secret names" and Lacan
homologous to "repressed." Anthropology American
say "conflict of inter-cultural discourse breed.
Could you forward something about the novel
who is writing?
That novel was transformed into a prose poem
of several pages called "Scapular"-maintains a
epic tone, with rows of history, a lost object
been for centuries without knowing why it agalma-
psychoanalysis makes us snipers
with gusts of literature: not a poet but sound
The repetition of the enjoyment of sense, we
leads to something else, a brief condensation in finite density
in a flash durable.
why I believe that psychoanalysis seriously,
may impact on the art and generate a sensible objects
foreign, other than those dark
pictures hanging on the wall.
lucky for the rabbit
Alice through the looking glass: the hole, fall
and return to their own language .-
(The full text www.posdatas.com.ar)
pd. 12pd. 12
(*) Enrique Acuña psychoanalyst and writer.
Director of the teachings of the Association La Plata psychoanalysis.
Author of Silence, "Resonance and other poetic Psychoanalysis (Ed. Edulp).
As an author, also taps the literary genre with stories, novels and poetry
also works as a screenwriter
art & psychoanalysis
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