Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Does Mirena Hurt When Removed


"Quousque tandem

...?" read in deck that Placido Domingo will soon assume new Verdi baritone roles, including Nabucco and Renato. It has been outweighed in his mind the revenues and advertising the liters of sweat and saliva discharge during the collapse of the past Rigoletto. This seems to confirm (Gonzalo Alonso has a direct line with the divo) discharges recent rumors that spoke of an opera by the eponymous protagonist, which extended the threat to roles as Macbeth and Falstaff (though everything will come).

Placido Domingo, no doubt, is Under the last active can be considered linked to the major representatives of the rope and one of few current players to the aura surrounding a real charisma. What they call a divo. With all the distances that exist, someone who had listened to Beniamino Gigli sixty years ago could only choose to Sunday, among all the tenors are now exhibited on stage, to explain (about) what was to be a Primo Tenore . This fact, together with reasonable fitness miraculously preserved, as has been discussed here, allows any action it takes is immediately received attention from the theaters. And Of course, the media.

Not content with Siegmund, whose merits are not discussed here, took a few years by incorporating a series of papers comfortable frame of mind that used as a vehicle to go in on it but that basically only allowed to take ownership for who she is because the brilliance of them is proportional to its demand. Then had come up to the Verdi baritone roles are key and they do not have those awkward notes above the fifth line of the staff that many headaches have always given. Breaking your own word ("I am only interested Bocanegra") the new venture seems extended with the sole purpose of keep beating brands. In addition to the fraudulent timbre question on which we can imagine what would Verdi - a short film can not camouflage tenor and baritone and tricks of the worst stew - Sunday brings nothing about papers is limited to "suonare" without going into detail expressive and dynamic, or characterized by an accent, or do anything but continue to apply an expressive transparencies same thing served to a ranchera, a poem by John Paul II or many dozens of their roles regardless of gender, character and style. It's just Sunday by Sunday for those who want to hear just that - before Verdi's music. What is serious is not just to sing for artistic results that are no mediocre (which already tells us something about the current situation of the song), but eventually this will contribute to collapse late in songbirds and musical patterns. The bad example in the song, as in life, is an insidious worm that corrupts inadvertently and whose effects are evident after us to take action. Domingo, himself a victim of bad example distefaniano its technical shortcomings, is in itself a bad example to keep his voice only after more than sixty year career full of decisions very risky, no one can count on having his exceptional endurance. In this we can not blame him at all, but for being indecently prolonging the worst lesson of "The Three Tenors": what counts is the image and how it is sold. Insured it, nobody will look at the state vocal of those who sing or traits that have characterized the real singing school. The example that is giving a tenor who stays in business for decades with unprecedented transport of their roles, hiding behind the curtain to decline personal charisma and advertising and now assuming baritone roles stored for just Solf, not only help to bring down the level of public demand - that conforms to listen to Sunday doing whatever - but also encourage another generation of singers to launch a career just met a few vocal qualities and give the physical type of what is expected today to be a diva. Singing opera is something much more complex than the interpretation of life itself that has exploding Sunday during the last decades. If you can continue succeeding in what has been offered as Boccanegra, which is transmitted is just the opposite. Just make a new product that meets the minimum requirements - a recognizable voice, a friendly personality, an attractive appearance - for the business of theater and music companies continue to operate. Soon have an aspiring tenor who worry about the actual technique, singing school, the work of the sung word, stylistic appropriateness, adequacy vocal!, If the market insatiably consume products who simply do himself. Sunday, of course, has a genuine artistic background (although it is getting buried) but this is being replaced with ads right now: suddenly he has a star. Fleeting, most of the time. That

machinery Opera can keep up with these materials suggests to what extent have already damaged the artistic criteria and these have been displaced by economic parameters: theaters filled and record sales. Deceived or getting

fool, little reaction is expected of a public who may have saw live on a myth of S. XX, even if doing bowling. And even among connoisseurs begins to spread the acquiescence of at least "be listening to an opera voice of truth." Meanwhile, the critics already beginning to show symptoms of the collapse of the standards described: in some Blogs critics maintained by professionals in this country has come to read that "it is best remembered Bocanegra that sung by Domingo in the Teatro Real." The thing even looks black if you lose the ability to evaluate the documents that scream the opposite. Open bar


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