Mbya Communities submitted to the provincial government
the "Manifesto of Fracrán"
Representatives from nearly 30 communities of Misiones Guaraní signed a document that strongly reject the creation of the Council of Elders and require a referendum called for the constitutional amendment of 4000 Act
Posadas, Misiones. November 1, 2010 (Press EMIP) - Chiefs, representatives and members from thirty communities of Guaraní Missions Mbya Governor Maurice Closs presented the "Manifesto of Fracrán", where "we express our opinions and feel on many issues concern us and which we require that you pay due attention. "
The document, written in Ñeychyro Aty made in the Commonwealth of Fracrán from 19 to October 21, flatly rejects the "Council of Elders and Spiritual Guides Mbya Guaraní Nation" and the registration of the ancestral religion of the Guarani People in the National Register of Religions.
also requires the call for a referendum in the upcoming elections for the Constitutional Amendment Act 4000; and respect for the elected leaders freely within the Community.
then reproduces the full text of the Manifesto of Fracrán:
The Chiefs, representatives and members of the Communities who signed the Manifesto, Aty Ñeychyro present in the community made in Fracrán from 19 to 21 October 2010, after expressing our feelings and each way of thinking we have reached the following resolutions:
Reject the proposed absolutely genuine representation of the Guarani nation given to a purported Community Council of Elders and Spiritual Guides of the Nation Mbya Guarani do not belong to our cultural system and have been created by decree by former Gov. Carlos Rovira, without any consultation and without our consent free, prior and informed, to intervene in our decisions, manipulating our brothers. The unknown of Guaraní Mbya categorically that body and all its decisions, and be taken .-
El Aty Ñeychyro sent in a timely manner a complaint about the lack of consultation on the draft Forests Act, the Governor still has not Closs answered the formal letter sent, we reject the law passed by autocratic and unconstitutional.
Communities, in a process that took almost two years, wrote the text of the law including Indigenous Rights in the Provincial Constitution and was passed by the House of Representatives who now presided as Governor promulgated the now known Act 4000. In a dictatorial attitude which does not have to fit into the democratic government we have since 1983, Closs Rovira as Governor and his successor, refused to give the people the opportunity to express Missions.
Representatives from nearly 30 communities of Misiones Guaraní signed a document that strongly reject the creation of the Council of Elders and require a referendum called for the constitutional amendment of 4000 Act
Posadas, Misiones. November 1, 2010 (Press EMIP) - Chiefs, representatives and members from thirty communities of Guaraní Missions Mbya Governor Maurice Closs presented the "Manifesto of Fracrán", where "we express our opinions and feel on many issues concern us and which we require that you pay due attention. "
The document, written in Ñeychyro Aty made in the Commonwealth of Fracrán from 19 to October 21, flatly rejects the "Council of Elders and Spiritual Guides Mbya Guaraní Nation" and the registration of the ancestral religion of the Guarani People in the National Register of Religions.
also requires the call for a referendum in the upcoming elections for the Constitutional Amendment Act 4000; and respect for the elected leaders freely within the Community.
then reproduces the full text of the Manifesto of Fracrán:
The Chiefs, representatives and members of the Communities who signed the Manifesto, Aty Ñeychyro present in the community made in Fracrán from 19 to 21 October 2010, after expressing our feelings and each way of thinking we have reached the following resolutions:
Reject the proposed absolutely genuine representation of the Guarani nation given to a purported Community Council of Elders and Spiritual Guides of the Nation Mbya Guarani do not belong to our cultural system and have been created by decree by former Gov. Carlos Rovira, without any consultation and without our consent free, prior and informed, to intervene in our decisions, manipulating our brothers. The unknown of Guaraní Mbya categorically that body and all its decisions, and be taken .-
El Aty Ñeychyro sent in a timely manner a complaint about the lack of consultation on the draft Forests Act, the Governor still has not Closs answered the formal letter sent, we reject the law passed by autocratic and unconstitutional.
Communities, in a process that took almost two years, wrote the text of the law including Indigenous Rights in the Provincial Constitution and was passed by the House of Representatives who now presided as Governor promulgated the now known Act 4000. In a dictatorial attitude which does not have to fit into the democratic government we have since 1983, Closs Rovira as Governor and his successor, refused to give the people the opportunity to express Missions.
So much is the fear that we have our rights written into the top provincial law? We urge the provincial government in the next election call missionary people ordering the Referendum Act 4000 for the inclusion of indigenous rights in the provincial constitution by rejecting all forms of covert attempt to repeal that law actually only intended to discriminate again .-
demand to the Governor ordered its officials, especially the Director Gral.de Guaraní Affairs, Arnulfo Veron, not intrude on the autonomy of the Communities respecting leaders freely chosen by each .-
carefully studied the offense has been produced to register our ancestral religion, long before the Argentine government in the National Register of Religions with the number 3627, putting it below the other arrivals to our territory a few years ago. Our spirituality is a very intimate part of our being and culture have not only invaded our land, destroyed forests, polluted water, but who now seek to violate our beliefs and dominate our spirit, allowing a foreign authority say about our existence
religious .- Actions carried out by the provincial government and its officials violate the grounds on which it is based on ILO Convention 169 which Argentina is a signatory and the province should follow, it says: "Recognising the aspirations of these peoples to exercise control over their own institutions, ways of life, economic development and to maintain and develop their identities, languages \u200b\u200band religions .... "
Alejandro Martínez Benítez Juan Ramón Duarte Vallejos
Catri Cacique Cacique
Fracran Pindo Poty Delegate Delegate CPI CPI
Rosalino Ramos Marcelo Duarte
Lorenzo Ayala
2 º Sargento Mbokajaty Cacique Cacique Guyray Mbokajaty
Porfirio Benitez Benitez Lidio Dasilva Artemio
Mbokajaty Rep. Rep. Tekoa Tekoa Yma Yma
Chief Roberto Paredes Benitez Pablo Duarte
Member Tekoa Tekoa Yma Cacique Tekoa Member Pora Pora
Alcides Morinigo Silvio
Sixto Ferreyra Ferreyra
Rep. Rep. Tekoa Pora Cacique Tamandua Tamandua
Ariel Sanchez Cabrera Juan Carlos Duarte Bernardino
Tamandua Member Tamandua Rep. Rep. Guy Miri Pora Ka'a
Timothy Benitez Luis Escobar Escobar Carlitos
Rep. Rep. Kapi'i Yvate Kapi'i Kapi'i Yvate Member Yvate
Gabino Ramos Julian Duarte Juan Gimenez
Yaka Pora Member
Rep. Cape Guaviare Guaviare Poty Poty
Armando Benitez Emilio Martinez Nuñez Marcelo Cabo
Sergeant Guaviare Guaviare Poty Poty Poty
Taruma Cacique Juan Francisco Brizuela Brizuela
Chief Arturo Duarte
Aviaru Member Pora Tekoa Chief Casimiro Andresito
Nicanor Fernández Benitez Benitez Walter
Cacique Cacique Tekoa Arandu Arroyo 9
Member rosemary
(attach photographs of representatives of communities following the signing of the manifesto)
demand to the Governor ordered its officials, especially the Director Gral.de Guaraní Affairs, Arnulfo Veron, not intrude on the autonomy of the Communities respecting leaders freely chosen by each .-
carefully studied the offense has been produced to register our ancestral religion, long before the Argentine government in the National Register of Religions with the number 3627, putting it below the other arrivals to our territory a few years ago. Our spirituality is a very intimate part of our being and culture have not only invaded our land, destroyed forests, polluted water, but who now seek to violate our beliefs and dominate our spirit, allowing a foreign authority say about our existence
religious .- Actions carried out by the provincial government and its officials violate the grounds on which it is based on ILO Convention 169 which Argentina is a signatory and the province should follow, it says: "Recognising the aspirations of these peoples to exercise control over their own institutions, ways of life, economic development and to maintain and develop their identities, languages \u200b\u200band religions .... "
Alejandro Martínez Benítez Juan Ramón Duarte Vallejos
Catri Cacique Cacique
Fracran Pindo Poty Delegate Delegate CPI CPI
Rosalino Ramos Marcelo Duarte
Lorenzo Ayala
2 º Sargento Mbokajaty Cacique Cacique Guyray Mbokajaty
Porfirio Benitez Benitez Lidio Dasilva Artemio
Mbokajaty Rep. Rep. Tekoa Tekoa Yma Yma
Chief Roberto Paredes Benitez Pablo Duarte
Member Tekoa Tekoa Yma Cacique Tekoa Member Pora Pora
Alcides Morinigo Silvio
Sixto Ferreyra Ferreyra
Rep. Rep. Tekoa Pora Cacique Tamandua Tamandua
Ariel Sanchez Cabrera Juan Carlos Duarte Bernardino
Tamandua Member Tamandua Rep. Rep. Guy Miri Pora Ka'a
Timothy Benitez Luis Escobar Escobar Carlitos
Rep. Rep. Kapi'i Yvate Kapi'i Kapi'i Yvate Member Yvate
Gabino Ramos Julian Duarte Juan Gimenez
Yaka Pora Member
Rep. Cape Guaviare Guaviare Poty Poty
Armando Benitez Emilio Martinez Nuñez Marcelo Cabo
Sergeant Guaviare Guaviare Poty Poty Poty
Taruma Cacique Juan Francisco Brizuela Brizuela
Chief Arturo Duarte
Aviaru Member Pora Tekoa Chief Casimiro Andresito
Nicanor Fernández Benitez Benitez Walter
Cacique Cacique Tekoa Arandu Arroyo 9
Member rosemary
(attach photographs of representatives of communities following the signing of the manifesto)
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